
Fiona at Just Paint It White


Isn't that a pretty name?

No I don't have a bun in the oven and I'm not naming a new pet.  Although the name would be fitting for either.

Just Paint It White Blog

Today I'm going to sing the praises of my longest running blog friend.  Fiona from Just Paint It White.

Stop over and heckle her.... please.

Just Paint It White Blog

Fiona started blogging roughly the same time as me, and has been a faithful reader and commenter on my blog ever since.

Thanks Fio.

I think she looks like Angelina Jolie and sometimes I have to decipher her posts and the lingo she uses that resembles Downtown Abby.

That's because Fiona lives across the pond in England, and says things like loo and water closet, which are pretty fun words actually and I might start saying them around my house just to see the looks on my kids faces.

Just Paint It White Blog
Clients Boiler Room
 Fiona is a good sport.  She is funny.  She is creative and talented.  She paints.

She transforms everywhere she goes with her artistic touches, be it at the cafe where she works or her clients homes.  Freehand painting by the way, not stencils or a vinyl cutting machine.

Just Paint It White Blog
Crab Claw Art
She likes to walk on the coast line and collect bits and pieces of driftwood and crab claws that wash up.  Yes crab claws.  She sees beauty in nature that others might just turn their nose at.  And smelly crabs are something to turn a nose at aren't they?

How come I haven't seen your dog on any beach walks lately Fiona?

She sews, and puts together stuff like the pillows below, from scraps of nothing that she has laying around.

Just Paint It White Blog
She recently moved back to the first house she ever bought after renting it out for 7 years.

Just Paint It White Blog
Fiona's English Garden
She has been rejuvenating the place, while also accommodating her brother who moved in.

If you decide to follow her blog she won't bombard you with 7 posts a week.  She pretty much marches to her own drummer and posts when she likes.

That might mean sometimes you won't see a post from her for a month.

Of course I think you should follow her blog if for no other reason then to give her a hard time about having a crab claw collection.

Just Paint It White Blog
IKEA Drawer Hack
I don't think I would necessarily use the word frugal about her, and she's not cheap.  But she is certainly not a spend thrift.

She just sees a use for everything around her and takes stuff and makes it better or she finds a way to reuse the tiniest bit of something.

Just Paint It White Blog
Scrap Wood Creation
Above is my absolute favorite project of hers.  It's a bunch of wood remnants that she made into a shadowbox.

I don't think she has a Facebook page.  What's up with that?

And while I'm at it Fiona, you don't have any of your blog photos watermarked.  Get on that would you, so I don't have to do it myself the next time I pirate your pictures.

Just Paint It White Blog
The WC.... Water Closet
And here is her loo.  Her WC as she calls it.

She just recently gave it a chalkboard wall makeover and hung photos that are dear to her.

She even put a saying on the ceiling around the light.

Just Paint It White Blog
Check out the ceiling of the WC
I'd probably have to take a little longer if I used her bathroom.  I would want to read everything.

Which leads me to the point of this post.

With all those photos on her wall, don't you think she should have a bathroom appropriate photo of me to hang in there?

I always wanted to have a go in England.

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  1. LOL....she sounds like a wonder woman! And yes, I think your photo would fit right in the LOO! How cute your blog was. You had me laughing.

  2. Interesting lady! I love houses that reflect the owner's personality!

  3. Soul mates from across the pond!

  4. She sounds fabulous. I"m off to heckle...I mean "follow" her and to thank her for making my sister's childhood collection of crayfish shells seem infinitely more normal. Me? I collected rocks but fortunately I've moved on to more interesting stuff now. Like wooden put on the wall. Oh..and I am TOTALLY doing this to my WC...I'm gonna start collecting frames today! Thanks for a fun afternoon break! xo

  5. Oh, it's good to be back. You know Fiona is going to hang that photo of you in the loo.
    Right, Fi?

  6. I've been following Fiona for quite some time and I'm quite amazed by the things she's able to accomplish all by herself. I'm also impressed that she does this stuff whilst (adding a little English jargon here) working long hours at a seaside restaurant. I've adopted her term of "cooker" for stove. She's talented and funny and a darn good read!

  7. I love the gallery wall in the WC! :)


  8. Her place looks gorgeous! Love that last photo of you!

  9. I love everything Fiona does! And I too have a "potty picture" that she could include!

    1. Send it over, there's just enough space left for two, and I've always imagined you two as a double act.

  10. Love Fiona and her blog! Pretty sure I met her after a recommendation from you. I do hope she prints out that cute potty picture of you and hangs it on that amazing bathroom gallery wall!

  11. OOOOOOOOO FiiiiiiiOOOOOOnnaaaaa! (must imagine me singing that very loudly in a terrible tone deaf voice, sometimes I just break out into song). I am a huge fan of hers already.
    In most cultures it is considered a great honor to be sent a childhood potty picture. I had to wipe away a tear.

  12. Oh you are too funny, Bliss...and Fiona sounds great! Love that chalkboard wall...headed over to say hello!

  13. Well, well, well Mrs. B, I was wondering why I had an email from Kimberley this morning, I wondered what on earth you had said about me. !!
    I'm kind of shocked, but smiling from ear to ear. I need to address a few points. The watermarking, love the look, but I'm just lazy. Can I send all of my photos for you to do, you made such a good job of it.
    Angelina Jolie, you need new glasses. I did a lovely (as I thought) smokey eye look on myself recently, but in the photos I just look like the bride of Beetlejuice.
    I don't get to the beach with Rufie as much as I'd like, it's a two hour round trip with him from my house (walking) and he'd rather chase squirrels in the 3 parks on the way, which also means 3 park visits on the way back.
    I have Facebook, but I don't do that much either, have I mentioned that I'm lazy !
    My favourite thing you said 'she marches to her own drummer', I love that, everyone I know would agree with you.
    I love you.
    YOU will definitely be going in my gallery (just as soon as I send the pic to someone with a printer).
    Thank you, consider me heckled !

    1. Ah ha ha ha ha.... my picture is going to be hanging in England. You have no idea how that cracks me up! No one who paints and letters a ceiling is lazy, you can't fool me.

  14. I'll be visiting her for sure when I'm at my computer. What a talent. From the picture on my phone at first glance I said she reminds me of Sara Evans. Thanks for the introduction


  15. Love this post Bliss. I follow Fiona too and visit her as often as I can.

  16. ha. me too. i love that idea in her bathroom. i will have to go visit your friend.

  17. Beautiful artist. Love the bathroom idea.

  18. Anonymous2/10/2015

    Fun post to spotlight a dear blog friend of yours what an honor.. I'll be checking out her blog..It would be awesome to see you go to England and have a smashing time seeing all the sights with her.. that would make the number one blog post of the year!! Have a super day!


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