
Hidden Cat Food Area

We have a dog.

We have a cat.

About the only thing our dog likes about the cat is to eat her cat food.

Linda Kitty was here long before the dog.  7 years longer to be exact.

Linda (who is named after the lady we got her from) is coming up on 15 years of age and for 8 of her cat lives - the 8 that Mo the dog has lived here - her cat food has been banished to the folding counter in the laundry room.

Protected Cat Food Coral,

A folding counter is prime real estate in a house that reared 6 children, and Linda's property was taking up too much of that counter so I wanted to reclaim it.

As of late Linda had trained the youngest boys to lift her up on the counter when hunger and thirst overcame her, as if she couldn't reach that height in a single bound herself.

Protected Cat Food Coral,
So to repossess the prime location on the folding counter and to remedy Linda's need for a human to provide placement by her food, I devised this little cat food coral that lets Linda in and keeps Mo out.

It fits snugly on the lowest point in the laundry room.

And she doesn't have to pretend she can't jump.

It's a three sided thing, that was screwed to the laundry room wall right on the floor underneath an open shelf that holds the laundry baskets. 

Protected Cat Food Coral,

Everything came from the junk drawer in the kitchen or the scrap pile in the garage.

I painted it Lamp White from the Fusion line of paint, which went on over the bare wood very nice.

I didn't do anything fancy with the paint job, the fact of the matter is that unfortunately none of my friends come over and ask to fold clothes for me, so really no one will ever see it.

Protected Cat Food Coral,

Linda can now walk straight in to her little cat cafe to have a drink and some chow, while Mo sits outside sulking knowing there are bits of edibles inside that he can't get at.

Protected Cat Food Coral,

The gate opens up to gain access to her bowls for refilling her meals.

With a wall between her food and the laundry, never again will she find a sock soaking in her water dish.

Protected Cat Food Coral,

But the story of the cat cafe would not be complete without a photo of the resident feline.  

And THAT was a stupid idea that took longer than writing the post.......I went hunting through 11,000 pictures to find one of Linda Kitty.

And this was the best I could do!
Apparently all I have are photos of the dog.

Linking up the Cat Cafe at:
Friday Favorites @OurLifeInAClick
Share Your Style Party @TheEssenseOfHome

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  1. Get busy taking some photos of Linda. After all, she is already 15 years old.

  2. Get busy taking some photos of Linda. After all, she is already 15 years old.

  3. Cat? What cat? All my photos are of my dog as well. But I'm one up on you. My cat lives outside. I highly recommend it. That being said, your little kitty condo is so very cute it almost wants me to bring my cat inside. Almost.


  4. Yay for Linda!!!! I've had cats all my life, and could have used one of these corrals myself. Everyone has different needs. my two kitties now need separate bowls for Hairball Control and Sensitive Tummy. The two shouldn't be confused or there will be volcanic both need to patent this!

  5. p,s. I see Linda has a common "older" age condition. I call it "hangy down" tummy. Humans and felines can both experience this malady. She's a sweetie, she needs her portrait taken.

  6. My cat only gets in pictures I don't want him in, he will rarely ever pose for me, that little rascal! Anyway, your cat cafe is so clever, and painted better than most of the furniture in my house!! Pinned

  7. LOL- The elusive cat. Ya gotta catch them sleeping for a picture-lol
    That is a great idea to corral the cat food like that. It's functional AND cute! xo Diana

  8. Lol! Some animals are much more willing to pose than others! This is really is good idea...I can see it for a litter box, too...

  9. That's just about the cleverest idea I've seen to solve the cat/dog issue. Another one around the little box would stop the dog snacking on gross stuff issue as well! Pinning

  10. You really need to take a photo of your poor cat. Nice cafe, that's the smartest setup I've ever seen. Great idea!

  11. man, show some love to Linda Kitty!! clever idea. Mo must be pissed.

  12. Its brilliant! I love it. Thanks for sharing that.

  13. Cat? I didn't even know you had a cat! Yes, Linda deserves some fresh, clear pictures! After all, she has her own cafe!

  14. I've been in the position where I had to keep the cat food from the dog before, and did not come up with a solution as brilliant as this. Kudos!

  15. GREAT idea Miss Bliss! and so dang cute! My cats would so love this. But after almost two years mine will finally eat side by side so there won't be any secret eating spots. That is unless we get a dog. Linda looks lovely in blur...

  16. This is such a wonderful and creative idea! I have to leave my cat's food on one of the kitchen chairs (she likes to snack several times during the day) so the dog can't eat it. I would love to build a cute cat cafe - however, my 10lb cat is bigger than my 4lb maltipoo (who cant jump onto the chair). A very clever solution to a very annoying problem - congrats!

  17. This is a very cool idea! You spoil your grandkids and your pets!!!!!

  18. Now this is truly a first! I've never seen anything like that before. Great idea! Does she seem to like it?

  19. Such a great idea Bliss, and of course you made something completely fab for Miss Linda!! Mo will want something of equal or greater fabulousness now. You know that right? haha

  20. Too cute. I used to have a cat, too before I got miss Bailey and I had to figure out how to keep Bailey from eating all the cat food. You came up with a very smart idea.

  21. Smart idea, B. I have to crate Jack Henry when Sophie and Bruce eat. He's a wildman that will scarf up their food in seconds. I love that your cat is named Linda Kitty. Do you talk to her like that little boy in the video last year? "Listen to me, Linda!"

  22. I didn't know Linda existed! What a perfect cat-fe for her!

  23. Brilliant, and cute too! :)

  24. Seriously a novel idea that at some point may have to use for my new pup. Paxton loves the new chow that she gets and it is driving me crazy having to keep picking up the bowl. I forget more than I remember!!!!

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    nice post thank you for your share!

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  30. These are small containers of their best wet cat food, each tub is 170g of savoury pate filled with hearty cuts and gravy. No grain included, meaning pure meatiness.


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