
Playhouse Revival, The Clean Out

Winter is over, which for Minnesota in April all that really means is the snow is melted and Spring yard work can start.

Last year that wasn't possible till the middle of May, so I do feel a bit ahead of the game this spring.

Outdoor messes have to be cleaned up before tackling any other projects, because you know the saying - gotta make hay when the sun shines.  Or something like that. Play House Project Speaking of hay....these long packages arrived by my mudroom door last week.

They will be going inside the play-house-turned-potting-shed-turning-back-into-playhouse. Play House Project
Clementine and Clyde.  Or is it Clyde and Clementine?  I don't know, they both quack and crap.

But first the shed-house (notice I cleaned up my noun there) needs to be sanitized from 10 years of neglect and storing winter hay for the crapping quackers. Play House Project Before

Upon seeing that beautiful interior sight, the conversation with a certain 4 year old went like this;

Me, all excited:  "Come see the playhouse all cleaned out, won't this be fun to play with your kitchen in?".

Underwhelmed 4 year old:  "oh".

She did ask me if I was going to sweep it.  (More than that darling, more than that!)  

I told her it will be getting some new curtains to match her play kitchen. Pink Play Kitchen

But I'm not so sure she has confidence in my window curtain ability right now.

This is what is hanging in the breakfast nook.... Trasherific Curtain

My version of decorating with canning jars.


At dinner - with no leaves yet on the trees - the sun shines directly in my eyes.

Thanks to my husband the evening sun is not a problem right now. Trasherific Curtain

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  1. Oh it's going to be just darling though! Can I come play?!~

  2. Oh the canning jar box curtain is so funny...looks like something my hubby would do! Looking forward to seeing the playhouse!

  3. If we didn't have blinds, I'd have go cover all the windows in our dining room with cardboard! Haha!

  4. LOL- GREAT curtain solution! Can't wait to see your playhouse. If we move I will miss the playhouse more than anything, I think! xo Diana

  5. Love both those window treatments.

  6. Can I share that lovely window treatment on my mason jar blog? I'm sure my readers will be intrigued ...


  7. Hah, there's a spot in our living room window where the sun glares into Mike's eyes for like 15 minutes every 5th day or so. It really irritates him and he thinks I should have curtains there. Now I know what to do. Who knew Brawn was a decorating genius? The play house? It is going to be incredible I'm sure.

  8. Am I the only one who can't read the font you use? The script is WAY tiny. Barbara

    1. My font is set at 16 and it is block style not a script. Are you viewing it on a mobile device like an iPad? If so after it loads, refresh your browser, that might help.

  9. Love thinker, that Brawn.
    I'm very excited about the playhouse. :)

  10. I may show up so I can have some play time. I have to hang out with the ducks for sure


  11. Spring is the time for great plans and it is always fun to read yours.

    I love 'make hay while the sun shines'.

    In my family we say 'we're burning daylight'"

    Enjoyed visiting,

    White Spray Paint

  12. I think your granddaughter is going to love her new playhouse! about that box in your window. Better hope the leaves grow back on your trees soon.

  13. Best. Curtain. EVER!



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