
Thrifty Decorating July

Thrifty Style Team July.  
July !?!?!  

Yup, July.

Oh how fast summer is going and I don't seem to be getting much done.

I've been saying that a lot lately, the part about not getting much done.  I think when my list is long I feel that way, but the truth is I am probably accomplishing lots of things.

Things other than what is on the list anyhow, like playing with a certain 9 and 6 year old and snuggling with a certain 11 month old.

And those things really should be at the top of the list anyhow.

But back to July's Thrifty Style.  The idea with Thrifty Style is to be thrifty.  Duh.

How to accomplish that is often easier said than done, particularly when everywhere we turn there is a new pricey cool looking something.  

But thrifty is more than spending little to no money if you couple it with the word style.  If you bring something home - inexpensive or not - it still needs to find a home within a home.

So, if I had to offer up my main tip on the thrifty subject this is what it would be.....

If you see something unique and out of the ordinary for next to nothing that you seem to really like........
If you really like something you'll find a spot for it, and spending little to no money on something the neighbors don't have hanging in their house is what makes your home stylishly yours!

Bonus point if you use an interesting item in a way it wasn't intended.

Like this wood thing.

Old Wood Tool,

I used to know what this thing was for, but as I type here now I have no idea.  That's probably due to the fact I'm barely concentrating on this post because I'm eating a piece of banana cream pie as I type.

This old gadget or tool has about a 3 ft. long handle which helps fill up a wall in a guest bathroom, and adds something interesting and unusual to look at while there is a captive audience.

Old Wood Tool,

I took it outside to hose the dust off, with good intentions of giving it a coat of wax or stain before I brought it back inside.

That last part didn't happen.  It went on the wall just as it was...rustic.

Old Wood Tool,

I currently have old bathroom -ish tins resting on it, with the latest addition being a package of toilet paper.

Not just any toilet paper of course, vintage toilet paper.

I found it at a garage sale with all sorts of the usual type little old things, but the toilet paper package caught my eye.  As I surveyed it I was thankful for modern day Charmin.

Vintage Toilet Paper,

Vintage toilet paper isn't something I see every day, so just in case, I didn't want to display it close to the porcelain chair for fear in an emergency it might be used.  So on the old wood tool out of reach it went.

That old style paper is thrifty for sure, 800 sheets in that little package, and there is a good reason the photo depicts a scratchy pine tree. 

Now for something you don't see everyday, click over below to the other Thrifty Style Team blogs.  You just never know what bit of thrifty style advice you might be able to duplicate from these ladies.... but my post might be the only one with vintage toilet paper.

Check out the other Thrifty Style Team finds from Bliss Ranch....
Giant Mixer Beater
Maple Syrup Tote

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  1. I can't believe you found vintage toilet paper, wait then again I definitely can believe it! That wooden thingymajig makes a great little shelf!

  2. Okay, so now I'm craving banana cream pie but all I have is an over ripe banana. I'm also thinking I was too hard on my hubby when I got mad at him for buying charmin (it clogs our pipes!). Poor Rick, I better apologize!! This is perfectly cute just the way it is, Bliss. It makes a great shelf!

  3. That toilet paper was one heck of a cool! But, gosh, I LOVE the wooden box/stick thing. And the guest bath is such a great spot! You always have the best finds!

  4. First let me say...banana cream pie...yum! Back to thrifty finds. Love the rustic box you hung on the wall and the vintage toilet paper is awesome!

  5. Lord knows - now all we can think about is banana cream pie! We love the wooden thingamabob and your fabulous collection. Can we just say we've never seen vintage toilet paper? You always have the most unique finds - thanks for sharing!
    Vicki and Jenn
    2 Bees in a Pod

  6. *Love* the vintage toilet paper, and how beautifully subtly you watermarked the photo of it :-)

  7. The vintage toilet paper is a great the graphics! The wooden thing works great on the wall! It looks like some sort of will be fun to see if anyone knows what it is!

  8. ha...can't get that tp anymore! and yes. snuggling is the most important thing, after the bathroom of course.

  9. I love everything about this! Everything. Your humor, style of writing and thrifted finds. So happy to know you.

  10. Wow, had no idea vintage tp was a thing 😉 I love how you styled the wood mesh thing!

  11. I love this post. Everything about it. Vintage toilet paper. I mean come on!! I think that I should eat pie when I write my posts because yours turned out amazing.

  12. OK, I know it's a toilet paper box and all, but wouldn't that look adorable used in your Christmas decor!!! It's green and has a pine tree on it? Get yourself an old red plunger and you have the start of a holiday vignette for the bathroom.

  13. I have never seen vintage toilet paper so, of course, I had to pin it!

  14. That shelf is so cool and so Bliss Ranch. Now the vintage TP, what a great find and history lesson. 800 sheets and a pine tree reference...? My how things have changed.

  15. That baby is 11 months old??!I like that square thing. I looks like it may be some type of seed sifter or another farming object.


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