I've been late to a blog party a time or two.
I've even shown up to a party on the wrong day in real life.
Yeah, that was reallllyyyy emmmbarrrrasssssingggg.......
And forgetting about features for the link party that I co-hosted with the wonderful Angie at Knick of Time and Betsy at My Salvaged Treasures, well ummm, yes I forgot that too. Bad Bliss.
I will make myself wear the cone of shame. Again.
Apparently I am a habitual-party-feature-forgetter because last time I co-hosted a holiday link party I forgot the feature part too! What the heck Bliss?
I'll just steal this photo from my own post from the last time it happened, and try to be good from now on.

Thank you to everyone for linking up. I've got three links to feature and they are all projects I can see myself making. I have a love hate relationship with feature picking..... I love picking my fav's, and I hate that I can't pick fifty.
Mel from Mellywoods Mansion transformed a rubber rain boot into Santa's boot. I love it - it's cute, simple enough I can do it, and there is no mistaking whose boot it is.
How about some sweater trees? The possibilities are endless for these, but I like the simple sage green and the button details.
Tammy from One More Time Events can show you how to make trees from sweaters. And that's the part I like the best; just like Santa's boot, I can make these.
A Minnesota sweetheart, Laurel from Chipping With Charm, made the best advent tree ever out of vintage baubles. And she kept it in line with the reason for the season.
(This is an appropriate time to say in my very best Buddy the Elf voice - "I know her!".) Yes it's true I have met Laurel, which means she might be able to pick me out of a lineup.
That's the three features, but now because I'm a rebel I have just oneeeeee moreeeee....
Fiona from Just Paint It White didn't want to let me down by not coming to the party, so not only did she create something I love, she basically dedicated her post to talking smack about me.
Fiona and I go way back, back to my very first week of blogging. You know when bloggers get huge and famous, well I always joke with them not to forget the little people. It has nothing to do with blog size, but Fiona is my little people, I will never forget her. Too bad I'm not huge and famous then millions would also flock to meet Fiona (sorry 'bout that Fio).
Fiona took apart a veggie crate and made this star with Merry Christmas in different languages. Great reuse for a little crate, and I love that she used different languages. Not too bad an entry from a lady talking smack about me!
I will be good.
I will be good.
I will be good.