
Chair Back Graphics

Coming soon.......... yes really.  
The never ending dining room redo is nearing completion.
There is only one "o" in correspond and two "r"s.  
It's spelled wrong.
You can corr, I'm going to coo.
I am not changing it.

I have been working on the
six chair back graphics 
and deciding which transfer method to use.  

The drop cloth has been washed and cut, 
ready to replace this velour type fabric.

All the chair back tacks have been removed.  
All 600 of them. 

 They will NOT be polished to return them to their copper luster.
Mostly because I don't want copper luster.

The vintage bronze patina works for me, since truthfully......
there is no way in helll
I am polishing 600 little tack tops.

The chairs have all been painted and waxed and sanded.

The seat bottoms have been patiently waiting for the backs to be ready.  

Soon they shall wait no more.

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  1. ooooh i love where this is going! love the different numbers for birthdays too! andi love how the chair colors will coorespond with each other.... ;)

  2. 600? You go, girl!
    Farmhouse hugs,

  3. I can't wait for the final TA DA!

  4. Don't keep us in suspense any longer. You can do it. I know you can.

  5. I cant wait to see!! Also you are just too funny!:)

  6. Had to laugh about polishing 600 tack tops! This is going to be so stunning! Do share the details of the best transfer method. I'm hoping you will discover the easiest most foolproof way ever!!

  7. What, you can't polish all those tacks?! Can't wait to see them finished.

  8. Wow! That's a lot of work! I can't wait to see it. That graphic is going to be awesome!!

  9. Those are going to be stunning!! I can't wait to see them!!

  10. The paint looks amazing and I love the personalized seat backs! These are definitely worth waiting for. Those tacks are giving me polishing nightmares. I'm glad you're not doing that!

  11. ohhh how wonderful your chairs are going to be with the personalization! Love the finish on the chairs Bliss!

  12. Love it, Bliss! Let me know all about the transferring, as I'd like to do some pillows and I am a total idiot when it comes to that kind of thing.

  13. I love the graphics you are going to use on the chair backs! What a great idea. I don't blame you about the tacks. I wouldn't bother changing them either. Besides, isn't patina the in thing these days??? Can't wait to see them when they're ready for their big reveal. Looking good so far. I got mine done pretty quick because I cheated and just used spray paint! Easy peasy since I just wanted basic white. There was no need to get all picky with bright white.

  14. Oh my...they look beautiful so far! And no way I'd polish all those freaking tacks either. My patience only runs so deep... Looking forward to the reveal. :)


  15. how lazy can you get?! Get out there and polish the damn tack heads. Like you have anything better to do.


    Can you imagine even trying to do that?! Holy. You made the right decision.

    Go Bliss Go!

  16. So far it is looking really great. I can't wait for the reveal too.

  17. Hearya hearyo...have you heard Bliss is finally close to the finish!!! Dining room chairs we will all!! want to recreate!!! Have you heard?!1 she is the one with original ideas,we all love to consider.Hearye hearya can we all hold on a little longer....biting my nails for the day she rolls these off the press..
    Hi girl how ya doing take care and those taks...the color is spot on with your new color tones.Have a good weekend,time for me to get some sleep up 5AM.Taking my one son to help my other son sweet dreams...

  18. This makes me feel better- I've been working on a very old trunk and a side table for far too long now!

  19. They are going to be amazing! I'm a big fan of the Citrosolv transfer method. It never fails me.

  20. You're going to do it. You're heading into the finish line. Wait up!!! I've still got a ways to go on the bedroom. Don't leave me in the dust! hehe

    I love the graphic you chose for the chair backs and can't wait to see them completed. What time will dinner be served?

  21. Still laughing about the tedious chore of cleaning 600 tack heads! spelling on tedious, not sure...not changing.
    These chairs are going to be worth the wait!

  22. Love that graphic Bliss. So clever to use the birthdays for the numbers. No wonder these chairs are taking so long...they're going to be fabulous! Can't believe you didn't polish those tacks on your road trip! Looking forward to seeing them all.

  23. Anonymous6/01/2013

    With six kids, I wouldn't expect you to have a labor problem regarding the 600 tacks!
    100 for each kid and it will be done before you know it, right? LOL
    Thanks for sharing this adventure with us. I'm doing 6 chairs, too. NO tacks....
    You will be done before i am, for sure.
    Awaiting the reveal......please hurry.....

    1. You know I never thought of that. Sass mama, 100 tacks for you! Hmmmm. Oh, but don't put any money on me finishing my chairs before you.

  24. Ok those chairs were friggin awesome when you bought them... I didn't know how you could make them any better but I'm seeing the vision! Can't wait to see them Bliss, they look fabulous!

  25. Hurry up! I love what I'm seeing :)

  26. Bliss,

    Your chairs are going to be beautiful, love the graphic! No way I would be sanding those tacks either and I think the patina will be perfect with that graphic. Good luck and can't wait to see them!


  27. Love the gray! Can't wait to see them all done.
    Must be a labor of Love.

  28. Soon we will wait no more either. Looking forward to it!

  29. These are turning out SO cool!! LOVE the color, can't wait to see them!!

  30. I'm loving every detail, right down to the brass tacks (or copper, or bronze!!) CANNOT wait to see them competed! ~ Amy

  31. Can't wait for the reveal!! So far, so GREAT :)

  32. Oh Bliss--- these are going to be wonderful! I really love everything you are doing with these! Can't wait to see them!

  33. Looking great so far, love the colour and fantastic idea with the graphics - can't wait to see !

  34. What will we have to look forward to when the big reveal is really revealed :). Love the graphic. I also love that you won't be polishing all 600 tacks.

  35. Do you know how long I've been waiting for you to get that dining room done? Since it has been like, forever, I think you should go ahead and polish each and every one of those tacks! Can't wait to see it...

    By the way, I use our family birthdays as decor as well. I call it our family serial number but it is short since we were all born on an 8, or a 9 with the exception of your future daughter-in-law who was is a lonely 14. :)

  36. I didn't think anything of 'coorespond', except that it automatically made me read it with Julia Childs' voice.

    Great graphic.

  37. Progress to be celebrated! No judging here for not polishing those tacks ;-) Love your idea for the seat backs!

  38. Can't wait to see these. I love the graphic.

  39. You are always so funny. Can't wait to see the end result.

  40. I have been waiting forever for this post - Hallelujah!!!!!!!!!!!
    They look gorgeous Bliss - I can't wait to see them fully done

  41. What a great idea! Love the kid's birth dates on there! And I never figured you for a patient gal - but then again, copper luster is so overrated!

  42. Awesome! Love the numbers using the birth dates. One of these days I just know it will all be finished. :) If you could only see some of my projects that are *waiting* ~


  43. So is the transfer going on fabric or wood? I better hurry and finish my DR because no way I'm letting you beat me! You started your DR like one year after I started mine! The chairs are looking great so far!

  44. I have just run across your blog and am enjoying it greatly! Can you point me where on the blog I can find out how you painted the chairs? I love the finish on them!

    1. Hi Pat, thank you. On the right hand side scroll till you see "search This Blog". If you enter dining room chairs and enter it will bring a list of my posts pertaining to the chairs, then you can find the one that talks about painting them. If you have more questions, drop me an email.

  45. Can't wait to see the finished product!!

    Have a blessed and wonderful day!!


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