
The Ducks Have Names

While I was away for four days my daughter patiently waited for all your suggestions on what to name her ducks, or the duckens as a certain 2 year old refers to them.

She filled their old outdoor cast iron tub, let them swim, and walked them around the yard.  And like any proud duck mom, she took photos of them.

She learned they like dandelions.  So she put that word on her list of possible names.
Dandelion and Delilah were front runners.

I barely got in the door Sunday evening and she said "lets name the ducks".

I said lets not.  Tomorrow, Monday.

So Monday rolled around and I got half ready to go buy plants and took a nap instead.  That is till she plopped down on my bed and said, "it's Monday, lets name the ducks".

I went to my blog and composed a list of all your suggestions for her to look at, which of course provided some laughs as well as last minute off shoot suggestions by me. 

There was a front runner, a name I knew she was going to like.  It sort of rolled off the tongue with the name of her other duck, Clyde, plus had personality.

So with one name down I proceeded to continue my nap as she read me the top 100 Duck names from the web.  I listened with one ear open till she said, "that's it" and sounded firm.

There was Phoebe, Delilah, Honey, and Pearl.  Ethel, Jemima, and about 5 others she really liked.  But in the end there were only two ducks, which meant just two names that she had to choose.

So I would like to introduce you to........

That means Tina from WhatWeKeep will be receiving one of Beth's sparkly hand made cake testers for suggesting the name Clementine. 

Maybe now that the task of duck naming has been completed I can get back to things like completing a dining room..........

The duckens have joined the blog hop @FreshEggsDaily From The Farm Blog Hop

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  1. perfect!!! i love those sweet names for those sweet ducks!

  2. I had a grandma Hazel. My other grandma was Flossie. So I am half-happy. Yay, Tina!!

  3. oh my gosh! I love those pics, especially the one with the bill right in the lens! sooo darn cute!
    love the names! so duckly!


  4. Omigosh they're sooooooooooooooooooooo cute!!!!!!! Love the names too!


  5. They are just adorable!! How fun to have baby ducks around. Great photos, too.

  6. Great names for those cute ducks!

  7. Man, I'm behind on blog reading.

    I would have suggested Roger. I had a girl duck named Roger for many years...until a fox got her. Still makes me tear up. She won best pet at the 4-H fair. I hope Hazel and Clementine prove to be equally good pets.

  8. They are SO cute and their names are perfect!

  9. Woo hoo! Thanks girls!
    She does look like a Clementine. Hello to little Hazel, too.
    I want a little yellow fluffy to play with. They are unbelievably adorable!

  10. Oh my goodness, those ducks are so adorable. I love the name Clementine. Tina did a great job.

    1. I just showed Grace a picture of these little cuties and she wants to know when she can hold one :)

  11. What adorable names! The photos are so cute! Congrats to Tina!

  12. how perfect Hazel is perfect my grandmothers name..and she was spunky all 5ft or her....and Clementine is a delight sounds sweet and a little like a trouble maker all in one....and the pics...I am so jealous of your talent...wish I could drop over and you could teach me...thank you for a happy post.

  13. Hazel and Clementine are so photogenic! Congrats to Tina for coming up with a winning name! Now I'm waiting for her "cake post" when she tries out her pretty cake tester.

  14. I love those pictures....those little girls are just the cutest things ever! Love there names too.

  15. Yay for Tina! I love the name Clementine! Your pics are fabulous by the way!!

  16. These photos are heart melters.

  17. Love the names.....but I HAD to comment! Seriously....those pictures! The duck looked like it was going to leap out of the page!

  18. Yay! Hazel and Clementine! I love the choices and they seem to fit the ducks perfectly! They are the most adorable little things too! Hugs, Leena

  19. Oh my gosh they are CUTE!! Missed the whole namin' party but I am loving the Hazel and Clemmy. Can't wait to watch them grow and see what trouble they get into (with their Grandma) this summer! :)

  20. I love the names Bliss and these ducks are just too cute for words!


  21. Haha! I like those names! And those ducklings are adorable!

  22. Oh my goodness. They are so precious. Your photos are amazing!

  23. They are so cute, and the names are perfect. But I have to say, I think it is quack that she didn't at least consider Turducken.

  24. Awwww! Perfect names for the girls. Sorry Kirby!

  25. That photo with the dandelions?
    GET THAT TO A DUCK MAGAZINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    What cute names -
    and Bliss - where the hell are those dining room chairs - this is getting ridiculous now LMAO

  26. So, reading the last post, I got totally sucked into the cute photos and missed the part where someone got to win a cake tester !
    Darn it, I wish I'd come up with something better, but I probably couldn't have topped Hazel and Clementine. Such cute names for the cutest creatures ever. Reading the top of this post, does that mean your daughter took these photos , well they're amazing as always !

  27. Oh how absolutely adorable!!! What sweet fuzzy babies!! I think they suite their names!

  28. Oh my how adorable. I always wanted ducks when I was a kid. Nice to meet you pretty little ducklings. Cute names too.

  29. Anonymous5/23/2013

    Too cute - hello Hazel and Clementine!!

  30. When I was little, I had two ducks named Weeble & Wobble. When they met their demise by an evil predator, I got two more and named them Wiggle & Waggle. They grew up to live a long life on the pond.

    Your daughter's choice of names is far more sophisticated than mine. Too stinkin' cute really!

  31. I cannot tell you how much I'm in love with those duck babies!!! And those photos -- seriously! So amazing! Are those yours? Or your daughters? Or both? If so, the photography talent did not fall very far from the tree ...

    :) Linda

  32. ... and I just showed this post to my daughter and she oooh'd and aaah'd and ohhh'd over the pictures she said to me ...

    "Did you hear that? That's my heart breaking."


  33. They are so cute! I love them!

  34. If two more ducks are born - I think my suggestions need to be used! I need that picture of the close up of the duck peering into the camera sent to me - it's totally frame worthy and needs to go on my wall!

  35. BEST photo's ever!!! Like...can I have them and print them and frame them?? I'm serious so stop laughing. I want them in my bathroom. Sell them to me. Do it.

  36. Aw. Way too sweet. Clementine. Love it. That is Annie (Maison Blanches) pups name too. Such sweet lil swimming and waddling cuteness. I can see why Miss Janal wants a pic. You better give in... or she will cute you to death ;)

  37. They are sooooooooooo cute!!! Pretty disappointed I didn't win, but I guess those are good names anyway. ;)

  38. awww!!!!

    they are so darn cute!

    excellent photos! you're very gifted.

    i'd love to follow your blog!

    wishing you a happy weekend~

    visiting via farmgirl friday

  39. Hazel and Clementine!

    Well done- very cute names!

    Do they eat the dandelions? Or just swim with them? Too cute!

  40. How cute! Now if the ducks will just answer you when you call their names, you'll be set. LOL!

  41. Cute names
    perfect for her ducks.
    Oh the pics are lovely.

  42. Oh, how disappointed she will be when she learns there real names are Spike and Brady!

  43. I have never EVER seen cuter ducks. You have captured the utter adorability of Hazel and Clementine. I love those names. Bravo to Tina! I love the name Hazel too.

    And you should enter your photographs in a contest. They will win. Hands down.

  44. Clementine is my favorite name. ADORABLE. I need to touch them.

  45. my fave name has to be clementine too.

    so your daughter is so talented!

    happy memorial day!!

  46. Bliss, love the names! Baby ducks are so darn cute. I love them swimming with the Dandelions. My 17 year old grandson, Kade got two ducks a few months ago. I can not believe how big they got in just two months.

  47. Hello Hazel!

    Hello Clementine!

    And.... Hello Bliss!

  48. Love the duckens and their names!

  49. I know I'm late to the party...this was happening during my (almost) trip to the big house.....the names are almost perfect although I still hold a place in my heart for Electrolux.....sigh.....I can't have ducks...I live on a creek with real ducks.....who are snapped up routinely by the Osprey.....the circle of life.....

  50. Anonymous6/24/2013

    Very late to this duck naming party - love their sweet little faces. It's kind of funny because Clementine is one of the top three names for our new puppy. No decisions have been made...yet!


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