
Cat Photos Turned Wall Art

A certain five year old princess has moved into her new bedroom and it's full of things that hold memories.

Her bedroom set was given to her by her maternal grandmother, furniture that had stood in her own daughters room.

Above the princesses bed is a positive message sign painted for her and signed on the back by her paternal grandmother with the hope that as she grows up she will take those words to heart.

And then there is the life of the party that lives in her new home..... the orange tiger kitten she named Whiskers.

Framed Cat Art,

One day last Fall the certain five year old burst into tears.  When her dad asked her what was wrong she replied in sobs, "I just waaant aaaa pet".  

And I don't think she meant a fish.

It wasn't an opportune time to succumb to such a request, her family was still living in a camper for a few more weeks while the finishing touches were being placed on their new house.

But that didn't stop her dad from placing a call to his sister - a newly enamored crazy cat lady herself - and asking her with urgency that if she sees a free kitten sign to pick one up.

Framed Cat Art,

I'm pretty sure most people don't make a pet request unless they are serious, but before I let the crazy cat sister as well as sister #2, talk me into chasing down the free kitten sign we spotted, I demanded they call their brother to confirm he did indeed want a kitten. 

I knew full well if that cat came home with us and he hadn't been serious, that it would be living with me.

Sure enough the big brother who for years insisted he'd never have a cat, caved in at the first request from a pretty little five year old.

Framed Cat Art,

Needless to say dad is as smitten with the kitten as the princess.

Her room is pink, and I wanted to make her some cat art using her own cat.

Framed Cat Art,

I simply took some photos of Whiskers, toned them in pink, and had them printed.

I hope she's one of those lucky girls who has a pet that lives a long time, because I don't think I could watch her heart broken.  But as a family who has had cats come and go I know what that reality is.

Framed Cat Art,

So if the new family pet doesn't get 15 years like our own cat, at least she has a few wall photos she can admire now, and later as a memory when she needs it.

Framed Cat Art,

And that darn Whiskers is full of surprises. 

A few weeks ago right before a trip to the vet, there was a monumental discovery. 

Whiskers went from a she to a he.

Framed Cat Art,

I'm not sure how the sisters and I misinterpreted that bit of relevant information, and we may have lost a bit of credibility with a certain five year old, but she took it in stride and concluded it was a good thing she didn't name him Princess.

Now they are calling him Pete.

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  1. those are awesome!!! i should do that with emmy and snowball's pictures!

  2. You had me at "cat photos", Bliss. :) What a sweet idea and beautiful pictures. I hope Pete will have a long and healthy life and the princess a lot of fun with him.
    Happy Easter!

  3. Haha! Pete! And what do you mean you only got 15 years? My d@mn cat will live to be at least 43, no doubt. I've been wanting to do a wall of B&W shots of Eddie but still haven't done it. Love Pink Pete.


  4. OK, wait a minute, don't you live out in the country? I thought anyone who lives in the country automatically has the skills to tell girls from boys!

  5. Beautiful photos, we adopted a black kitty last May and now we also have a tiger stripe that showed up at our barn.

  6. I'm a dog person, but I think your kitty pictures are adorable.

  7. You are such a loving and thoughtful grandma, Bliss...those princesses have a way of doing that to you...

  8. oh that is so funny! I grew up with cats and have many fond memories of them. Yes, it is heartbreaking when they pass too. I do think losing a pet is a good life lesson for children though. It helps prepare them for loss that they are sure to face in adulthood. I love the pics that you took and framed! That will look so good in her room.

  9. Pete, pretty in pink... hahaha

    That's such a great story! And your photo artwork idea is AMAZING!

  10. We had the opposite happen, and Franklin Roosevelt turned into Rosie.

  11. Crazy animal lady here... :) LOVE the photos and it is a wonderful plan well executed. :) Pete is so handsome and I know he is supremely loved. Thank you for the story and the photos! :)

  12. I LOVE that cat! Those markings are beautiful. I think that red cats live a long time. The pictures are wonderful. Have you got a little red cat for the dollhouse?

  13. We had the same thing happen! We went to pick up 1 kitten but there were 2...I took them both :) lol the one with black spots (one was heart shaped) reminded me of cows, I called her Bessie. Then one day she was cleaning herself and something pop into view. When I picked them up they were tiny, nothing identifiying boy or girl. Anywhoo we changed his name to Fang! To make up for the Bessie thing 😳

  14. Those photos are gorgeous. I was lucky enough to get a cat when I was 6. My mother had said cat for 5 years AFTER I moved away from the house. Thanks, Mom.

  15. My heart!! I need a third cat...this settles it.

  16. Hahaha...welcome, Pete! Love the photos.

  17. She's going to cherish her photo artwork of Pete. What a sweet gift.


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