
Decorative Suitcase Thrift Store Decor

Summer is here and so is Thrift Store Decor for June.

The once a month get together of jazzed up thrifted items brought to you by the Thrift Store Decor team of bloggers.

Now grab your travel brochure, because I'm packing your stuff for a quick trip.

Painted Suitcase,

There is this chick from Minnesota who knows her way around a paint brush.

Or should I say there is this OTHER chick from Minnesota who knows her way around a paint brush, because I'm not talking about myself.

It's rare that I don't love Linda's latest and greatest project over at Q Is For Quandie.  She sells her re-do's and I imagine they fly out the door because her stuff is

Not only does she have excellent furniture makeovers, but I have a serious case of suitcase envy.

Painted Suitcase
Linda takes old baggage and turns them into show pieces and I've wanted to try my hand at lettering one since I first laid eyes on hers.

I started small on a foot and a half tall suitcase that I've seen before in a retail store somewhere.

Mine was a $3.00 garage sale find that was previously someones decoration, it never really made a trip anyplace except home from wherever it was purchased.

Painted Suitcase,

The little case was sort of cute the way it was, but I needed to make it something that was more Minnesotan.

I started with simple craft paints that come in those little bottles.

I mixed up my colors so they would be close to the original background shade because I didn't want to paint the whole thing, just the front to cover up the old design where the new one would go.

Painted Suitcase,

Not that I have anything against ships and travel by boat.

In fact in the land of 10,000 Lakes, there are boats at every turn.

Painted Suitcase,

I painted the whole front Coal black from Fusion Mineral Paints, and used my vinyl cutting machine to make a decal.

I traced the shape on, painted around it with the mixed up craft paints, then filled in the letters.

The whole front received a coat of Beeswax, also from Fusion Mineral Paints.

Painted Suitcase,

Minnesota really is a beautiful state, it's just those pesky mosquitoes can spoil some of the fun if they bite your flesh because they love your tasty blood.

They love my tasty blood.

I don't know why some people can escape a swarm with nary a bite.  I'm not one of those, the little bast@rds devour me.

Painted Suitcase,

Previous Bliss Ranch Thrift Store Decor Before & After Projects:
Smith Victor Light Bar Box
Birthday Calendar
Tired Stand
Lettered Sock Bin
Lettered Lampshade
Vintage Shoe Last Hooks
Lazy Susan
Vintage Ad Clock

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  1. That's adorable, and what a cute shape of a suitcase, hatbox, whatever! Your styling is perfect too.

  2. I REALLY love this Bliss and the staging is great. You are my idol!

  3. Oh you are too kind Bliss! Thank you for saying such nice things about me. And by the way, I am one of those people who gets nary a bite from those pesky skeeters. Clearly you have way tastier blood than me ;-) I'm glad that I inspired such a darling suitcase makeover! Signed, that other chick from Minnesota a.k.a. Quandie a.k.a. Linda

  4. So cute...and I love the hat and chair.

  5. That case is great, but I want that hat.


  6. This is super cute, I need one of those vinyl machines!

  7. woohoo Bliss. Your little suitcase turned out so darn cute. I like Linda's too, especially the once a year...

    fun makeover--watch out for the skeeters my friend!

  8. Thisturned out so great, Bliss...and I'm with you...I LOVE Linda's style and creations!

  9. Damn. I would love to find a suitcase shaped like that! Love what you did with it.

  10. This is such a great idea. I've got several old cases that this would work. I really need to start using my Silhouette Cameo for more projects like these! Great idea!!!

  11. It looks like a real wood background, I was surprised that was paint. So very cool!


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