
Skiing Into Christmas

I don't have to type it but I will, 2020 can move on out after Christmas, but wait... I can't keep the new rules straight... is Christmas cancelled? 

It doesn't really matter the "official" rule on this, Christmas is not cancelled in my house or heart, and not at my craft table either.

As if everyone's lives weren't a mess in at least one aspect, be it maneuvering through child care and home schooling, working from home, or not working, or just trying to stay healthy among a million other little worries, inside my walls is an actual mess. 

We started a remodel in February with removing walls, and all the mess that goes with it, and here we are 9 months later and I haven't birthed a new kitchen yet. And you know what? While that mess has gotten old along with me, there are more important things, because in the big picture of where the world is at I don't really care about my kitchen. Well I guess that's a lie - I do care because I have to live among the disarray - but not like it matters much to me since the important things haven't stopped. I'm still able to put meals out, stand around the counter, albeit plywood ones, and I've got a broom and know how to use it to keep remodel rubble at bay.

And skis. I've got skis.

Painted Stenciled Ski Winter Decoration Bliss-Ranch.com

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Farmhouse Table For Kids

I have mentioned before about the local auction house where if you see something you want to bid on it is often bundled with stuff you probably don't want.

I don't recall for sure, but I think what I wanted to bring home from a Spring auction was an antique sleigh bed, because there is one to work on in the garage, and to get that bed frame I had to take the other "junk" too.

Upon arriving home when the bundled stuff is inspected, occasionally the real jewel isn't what you thought you wanted and instead you discover a diamond in the rough.

Such is the case with this unwanted thickly painted black table that came home with auction items I did want.

While the table was in the garage, it was used for many things. It became a saw horse, and a narrow work table, then when my kids camped by the lake this summer it was hauled down the driveway as a camping food prep table.

Farmhouse Kid size Table Bliss-Ranch.com

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Farmers Market Crate

Mums the word, but I don't intend to keep quiet about it. 

The world is entering another season of 2020 and the Fall picture doesn't look much different than when we were anticipating the arrival of Spring back in March.

A quick drive around the neighborhood tells me on the outside life looks the same as always, green grass, welcome flags, and blooming flowers.

Farmers Market Crate Trash To Treasure Bliss-Ranch.com

But for the love of God don't think of making a quick stop without your mask at the ready! 

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Tin Sifter Flour Sign

Welcome to the Bloggers Fall Tour Of Ideas. 

 I'm glad you're here, and so are the other 20 blogs with at least 20 more ideas and projects that are waiting for you in the links below, hosted by Angie at Postcards From The Ridge.

Mantels and Tablescapes, Porches & Decks, Decor, Wreaths, Crafts and signs. A little bit of everything, with hopefully something to inspire you for a project of your own. There is a tour graphic below and all you need to do is click the links to visit the other blogs, but don't go just yet, I've crafted up a sign I want to show 'ya.

The ideas tour might be arriving as we head into Fall, but my project won't be fall-ish looking. Instead you'll have to use your imagination, because mine will be fall-ish smelling.

In Minnesota we like to make our summer last as long as possible, and when the leaves actually change that's my cue that fall has arrived, the apples are ready for pie baking, and the days might be cool enough to turn the oven on.

I don't have to remind everyone what an unusual year 2020 has been, we all live every day with the ever changing new rules and information. For me this changing landscape of life has left me a little creatively .... dry ... I guess would be a good word. I haven't exactly been tearing through the days creating much, the ideas are just not flowing.

Vintage Tin Sifter Bliss-Ranch.com 

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TV Trays To Patio Tables

Last week Daughter #1 sent me a text asking if I wanted some old TV trays, and I don't think she thought I would say yes. She was cleaning out a closet and if she didn't have a use for them why would I?

But her text was timely, and I did have a use for them.

TV Trays Upcycled To Patio Tables with Old Sign Stencils Bliss Ranch.com

When I was a kid tv trays were made of metal, and in my mind I can still hear my mom's set clanking as they would hit each other on the stand. These days the trays are wood and I don't think they are called trays, the youngsters call them tables, but to me they will always be tv trays.

So a few days after the original text the six tv trays and their stands landed on my front porch.  I knew what I would use them for, and I knew I would paint them but I did have to think on how I wanted them to look.

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Antique Chamber Pot Planter

You never know what you'll get in a box of junk from an auction.

Like a pot to piss in.

Sorry if that's blunt, but back in the day before the advent of indoor plumbing and bathrooms, lots of folks weren't about to take a walk in the snow in below zero temps, just to make a little water in the middle of the night.

And the saying "didn't have a pot to piss in" meant you were pretty broke if you didn't even have a pot to do your business in.

When I went through the box of auction items I hauled home last spring, I pulled out this cute little antique red and white enamelware pot, but really all I saw was a planter.  It wasn't until after it sat on the steps holding a plant last summer that I realized what it really was.

The little red enamelware pot was actually an antique pot to piss in. Gross!

Updated Antique Chamber Pot Turned Planter Bliss-Ranch.com

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How to Make Metal Tags Look Like Mini Enamel Signs

Is it March?  April?  Soon to be June?

The previous months probably seemed long for most folks, and looking back I guess I squandered much of that winter time.  And now that those months are gone, it is still as if they have disappeared in the wink of an eye, but because of that squandered time my to-do list has been left mostly untouched even with all the "stay at home" time.

Metal Tags That Look Like Mini Enamel Signs Bliss-Ranch.com

In December I promised a 'how to' post on cute little eye fooling tags that mimic an enamel look.  I made them for the markers of a 25 days advent calendar.

Metal Tags That Look Like Mini Enamel Signs Bliss-Ranch.com

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Dog Feeder Project And Elephant In The Room


About that elephant in the room.

It's in my room, your room, big brothers room, all the way to the room of a remote isolated indigenous tribe in the rain forest, so I thought I'd just address that prior to sharing a project.

Bliss Ranch has very loyal, engaged, and sweet readers, and I thank you all.  And based on the amount of email I get, (which I finally checked) when you don't hear from me for an extended time via blog posts or on social media, you worry and ask if I'm alright.  I am.  But are you?

Those instant messages and emails have prompted me to acknowlege the elephant in the room; that ever big, ever present, sort of hazy gray cloud hanging over us all in everything we do right now.

Stuffed Elephant Horton Bliss-Ranch.com

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Office Update With A Photowall Mural

I'm pretty excited about today's post for a few reasons....

1)  Something was checked off the to-do list
2) Something looks pretty darn awesome with a mural from PhotoWall (but who wouldn't want to remove a 26 year old teal paisley couch from a room?)
3) The man of the house can quit using the dining room table for paperwork
4) There is a discount code at the end of this post for any readers that would like to order their own mural from PhotoWall.

Back when this house was built it was popular to have a more formal living room area if there was the space, I guess to entertain guests. You know - one room without a TV and toys. 

Fact: with six kids there was never a room that was without toys, and the people we entertained usually brought more kids and more toys.

PhotoWall Office Mural Vintage Letters Bliss-Ranch.com

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Thrifting At Occasional Shops

It's time for the February Thrifty Style Team lead by Julie from Redhead Can Decorate, and for my thrifty post I got out from behind the computer and thrifted my little out.

I'm sorry Mr. Bezos, there will be no deliveries for me this week.  I no longer need a basket for my mail, which was my thrifting goal.

Thrifting didn't just happen on Saturday, I actually went out twice, once on Saturday and then again on Sunday.  No that's not how I usually roll, but I went to half of the local shops on a date with Daughter #2, and then again to the other half of the shops the next day with a new date.

And I know since today is Valentines Day, that there is a burning question in your heart.... you want to know did I purchase on both days?

Yes I did.  I myself.

I'll be showing you the items I plunked down some dollars for, as well as the lovely stuff I left behind, and make sure to click the links at the end to visit the sweet members of the Thrifty Style Team.  Both they and I would love it if you do.  It's Valentines Day but there is no particular theme to our posts this month, I just felt like including all this love .  

I have written before about the occasional sales in a small town a few miles from me, although I'm not necessarily the kind of shopper the owners want as clientele.

I wander around the 15+ shops to get ideas, then come home and figure out how to recreate the look myself, of course for less.

The shops are all open for four days starting the 1st Thursday of the month, and some are open full time.  I don't go each month, and many times I don't come home with a single thing.  What I really like is going along with someone and watching them spend their money.

Occasional Sale Shops Bliss-Ranch.com

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Thrifty Style Team New Year Giveaway

Update....Friday, January 17, 2020; 
***This giveaway is now closed, thank you to all who entered.  The winner has been contacted and I will be mailing a set of tags #1-10 in the next couple of weeks.***

New Year new stuff going down around Bliss Ranch.

And when I say things are going down around here you can take it literally.....  five walls to be precise are the things that are now gone.  I'm up to my eyeballs cleaning messes and finding temporary locations for items that came out of cabinets that no longer exist.

What we have got going on is the snow ball effect.  One project leading to another to another to another, and before you know it there is an open concept floor plan where a person can see all the way across this 70' long ranch house.

But all that mess are posts for another day, because today it's all about the Thrifty Style Team Giveaway, and when you visit each of the participating blogs you'll have a chance to win something from their thrifty stash. 

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Top Five Posts of 2019

Another one come and gone.  Year that is - another year is over.

As I get slower the years go faster.  Wasn't it just a couple years ago we were worried about some terrible computer thing when the clock struck midnight and the date changed to 2000? Whattttt that was 20 years ago?  Hmmmm.

Whatever.  I don't alter my life over predictions and I have pretty much quit making New Years resolutions -  both for the same reason; neither usually happens.

But before I move into 2020 I did some reminiscing of the projects past here at the ranch and picked the top 5 fan favorites.

Bliss Ranch Top 5 Fan Favorites
As I looked back on the Bliss Ranch happenings I realized I spent more time outside sprucing stuff up in 2019 by working on little outdoor projects.  I also enjoyed the completed things I spruced and the quiet time painting outside in the sun was nice.

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Handmade Advent Calendar By A Pint Size Crafter

This year I crafted a bit more than usual and unlike big furniture makeover projects, sometimes I didn't craft alone.

Last year I created three Christmas countdown calendars that took way too much time for what was basically a single use item.

Brown Paper Bag Advent Calendar Bliss-Ranch.com

So this year I wanted to create countdowns that could be reused each year.

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Recycled Metal Seat Holiday Door Wreath Thrifty Style Team

It's the holiday season, so whoop de do and dickory dock and don't forget to hang up your....... metal stenciled front door wreath.

The original version of the song didn't mention a metal door wreath, but socks are overdone right?

It's Thrifty Style Team December Edition and I've got a feeling when you and I visit the other blogs at the bottom of this post, we're gonna see some holiday thrift'n going on.

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Advent Calendar & Old Sign Stencil Giveaway

The generous sponsor of the giveaway, Old Sign Stencils, decided to pick three names, to receive a stencil of their choice. This giveaway is now over. 

Winners are: Sandy at Primitive Skate, Marie at Interior Frugalista, and Linda at Itsy Bitsy Pieces. You'll be contacted shortly to claim your wins!

Many thanks to everyone who entered and visited these wonderful projects!

Have you ever tried your hand at stenciling?  Well don't think you can't do it, you can, and you can make some fun stuff by mixing the stencils up.

And what better way to give you the confidence to try, than to band together with other bloggers who have been around the stencil block a time or two, and who will inspire you with the possibilities.

AND at the end you have a chance to win an Old Sign Stencil of your choice!

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Homemade Stenciled Woodsy Gifts

It's the most wonderful time of the year.  The season of bloggers gathering together to showcase talents, twenty to be exact, on this tour of Christmas ideas.

There'll be table-scapes for hosting, porches and decks for boasting, with two gift wrap ideas to be had.

Christmas mantels are glowing, and I will be showing three homemade woodsy gifts out in the snow.

All the links at the bottom, so you can click on 'em, more ideas than your brain can now stow.  It's the most wonderful time of the year.......

Natural Greens Stenciled buckets Old Sign stencils Bliss-Ranch.com

It's ok if you're rolling your eyes at my song parody, I never claimed to be a lyricist, only that there would be occasional silliness.

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FlyOver America at the Mall Of America

Last weekend we set out on an adventure to explore some sights in our own neck of the Twin Cities woods.

Since I'm not native to Minnesota, and even after 30+ years living here, there is still a lot of uncharted territory and places to visit right in my own backyard, and within an hour driving distance.

FlyOver America Ride Mall Of America Bliss-Ranch.com

We don't paint and build every waking hour around here, we do take time to play, and when I find something away from DIY that I think my readers will enjoy I share it.

One of the places that is not uncharted territory is the Mall Of America.  When it first opened its approximately 600 doors, we went there often to shop. My daughters went for the clothes, my sons everything else.

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Thrifty Holiday Decorating Ideas

When it comes to Christmas decorating I lean toward the tradition of what I've always done.  I only see those decorations once a year so I like to use them every December.

Sure my tastes may change or I see something at the store or on Pinterest that I think would be a nice addition to what I have, but I certainly don't want to go out and buy new decorations every year.  Our memories are caught up in the familiarity of the season, and the decorations I have always used set the scene for that.

To change up the look it can be as simple as using what I have in different areas or give something a new look without adding cost to my wallet.

November's Thrifty Style Team has a holiday theme, and I'm offering up 7 decorating tips to frugally turn your home into a place that says Christmas is coming.  From easy instant atmosphere and reusing what you have, to making it yourself for simple DIY.
Christmas Thrifty Style Team Bliss Ranch.com
It doesn't have to be expensive to change up your holiday home, but it might take an investment.  What do I mean by investment?  Well for example seasonal pillows.......

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White Ikea Bin Turned Dog Food Container

I'm a fan of the bins at Ikea.

I've had a bunch of Ikea galvanized tubs for 15+ years that I bought for toys, and those are still keeping the Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head parts corralled.

When we had large dogs -as in Great Dane and Rhodesian Ridgeback size- we kept a full size trash can in the garage filled with their kibble.  The local chipmunks appreciated that and their offspring are probably still eating from the stash of dog food that their ancestors hoarded.

The previous spoiled puggle had a wooden half barrel bin that he knew how to open, and it wasn't quite big enough for a 20+ pound bag of dry dog food.  So when the girlfriend of #3 son wanted to go to Ikea it was perfect timing to pick up a new dog food bin for Honest Abe the 8 month old ranch dog.

Ikea White Trash Can Dog Food Bin Fusion Mineral Paint Old Sign Stencils Bliss-Ranch.com

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Little Shed Makeover

We've got this little shed in our backyard and I'm going to take you on a 4-season tour of it, with a painted update and a sign.

The shed has lived 26 years in the same place and was moved to that spot from a different house, putting the actual age of the build at about 31.

The wood was hammered together back when men wore short shorts like Richard Simmons, which was the style while they were getting physical and listening to their body talk.

I didn't invent the length of the shorts or that song, but both were popular in the 80's when the little shed was born.  I'm not going to include the picture of my husband wearing that style, his children have already ridiculed him enough.

Thankfully mens shorts have since gotten a makeover, and it's time the little shed did too.

Behold the shed in the glory of early Spring. We took out a large shrub to the left and planted some hostas and grass and that's about the time I got the ambition to finally paint it.

Working right up close to it made me realize how really crappy it actually looked.

Shed Makeover with paint and Old Sign Stencils Bliss-Ranch.com
Before the Summer miracle that is paint

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Step Stool Makeover, October Thrifty Style Team

In September's edition of the Thrifty Style Team,  I gave a vintage enamel bucket a makeover and explained how a local auction house groups things together so if you win the bid you come home with other treasures you may or may not want.

Same scenario for Octobers step stool - it was grouped in the same winning bid as the enamel bucket and sat in the garage til I took a paint brush to it.  A thrifty update to a thrifty castoff.

And speaking of thrifty, this month there are 16 Thrifty Style Team projects to check out, those links come at the end after I'm done blabbing.
Thrifty Style Team October Collage Bliss-Ranch.com

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Vintage School Chair

I've got some factual tidbits today from back before dirt was invented.

OK perhaps not quite that long ago, but long enough that it was hard for me to remember much about when I was in 2nd grade.

Vintage Street School Vintage Childs Chair Bliss-Ranch.com

Fact; this metal and wood school chair did not belong to me during my elementary years.

My rear end never hit that seat to read about Dick and Jane or to see Spot run, and I think this style was in use before my days in the classroom.

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Fresh Cut Flower Wreath, 29 Bloggers Fall Ideas Tour

Is it getting Fall-sie where you live?

Do you bring the outdoor colors inside?

At my place there are crisp nights, apples galore, and tons of Autumn decorating inspiration from the group of bloggers in this tour of ideas.

This is an annual tour for five days with 28 other bloggers, and I'm excited to be part of it.  There are links at the bottom so you can come along on the tour with me and see what each day of the week holds in store.

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Imperfect Pumpkins Sign

One thing I am positive about is that there is never a dull moment around here, and there is also never a shortage of things to do, work or otherwise.

Along with my new found love of growing dahlias, we have a couple of kids with green thumbs growing their own veggie gardens, and this year Daughter #2 is throwing her hat in the pumpkin growing field.

Pumpkin Sign, Bliss-Ranch.com

Last Fall  D#2 decided she wanted to have a pumpkin patch so she saved seeds to sow in spring from her unusually shaped pumpkins and gourds that were sitting on her porch.

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Vintage Bucket September Thrifty Style Team

There's a hole in the bucket Dear Liza, Dear Liza.....

Well not really.

The vintage enamel bucket below is very solid with nary a hole and I'm giving it an update for the September Thrifty Style Team, along with a second update using the inside metal cylinder from an antique ice cream maker.

You will find links to the other Thrifty Style Team members below, so stop in and see how thrifty they are this month.

Vintage Enamel Bucket Planter, Bliss-Ranch.com

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Bliss Ranch Dahlia Garden

There are flower farmers, and then there are FLOWER FARMERS. 

There are people who plant flowers, and there are people who plant, grow, and tend flowers.

There are people who take their passion for growing flowers very seriously, or make an income from it, and some who grow tons of blooms for the pure enjoyment of the whole process from start to finish.

And there are also people like me.

Dahlia Flowers, Bliss-Ranch.com

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Clyde The Duck Sign

If you have been reading here for a while you probably remember Clyde the duck.

Clyde belonged to daughter #2 and he was quite the character who wandered around the ranch for many years until a vicious racoon tore his head off.  Yeah that's a harsh visual, but it's the sad truth.

When more Peking ducks arrived at our house there was a name that duck contest for Clyde's girlfriends. My daughter picked the name Hazel, and Tina (follow her on Instagram at TLC4wwk) suggested the winning name that my daughter chose, and Clyde's main sidekick was named Clementine.

Clyde the Duck Sign From Vintage Rocker Bliss-Ranch.com

I affectionately referred to Clyde & his harem as the crapping quackers.

But Clyde was her main bird.

Clyde the Duck Sign From Vintage Rocker Bliss-Ranch.com

Clyde the duck celebrated his birthday, and was a pretty good sport when my daughter made him numbered hats each year to commemorate the day.  Daughter #2 will always have a soft spot in her heart for him.  A duck, go figure.

Clyde the Duck Sign From Vintage Rocker Bliss-Ranch.com

But I don't miss Clyde, Clementine and Hazel crapping on my porch and eating my flowers even though they looked cute as they waddled around the yard.  Nothing says welcome to my home like duck doo.

Recently at the local auction house I put a low bid in on a pile of junk - that low bid being $2.50.  Turns out no one wanted that pile of stuff so it came home with me.

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August Thrifty Style Team Storage Crates

Hello hello hello, it's time for the August Thrifty Style Team projects, and you're invited to click the links at the bottom to find out how the other ladies are being thrifty for August.

Yikes, that means Fall is right around the corner and I would prefer summer to last a couple months longer.  Not that I don't like Autumn, it's my fav, but we didn't really get much of a Spring,  June was a wash, literally, with lots of rain, July flew by and now here we are at the middle of August.
Besides, I'm just getting into the groove of summer projects, and I realize there is so much on the list that won't be getting done.  Boo, and I don't mean that in a Fall ghost sort of way.

However I did have to add a few things to the indoor list because there is this puppy that came to live with us.

And he likes to chew.

And we like to wear shoes.

New Storage Crates Aged and Lettered Bliss-Ranch.com

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Variety is the Spice of Doggie Life, meet a Boston Terrier, Bernadoogle and a Lab

If you've been following along you know that Bliss Ranch has gone to the dogs the last few posts (links to the previous posts are at the bottom), and I thought I would tell you the real reason the canines have taken over....

Honest Abe the Mock-Viz gets up at 5:00 am sharp every.single.day. 

And he wants my company.

So to fill my time at the crack of dawn while he gets some outside time, and inside time, and outside time, and inside time, I scroll on Facebook and see what the bloggers I know are up too.

I discovered I wasn't alone in this new puppy business, there are other new puppy mamma's who have cute pups too, and you know the saying "misery loves company", well we might not really be in misery but we all certainly do understand what bringing a puppy home can do to life as we once knew it.

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Honest Abe The MockViz Mutt

With Dog Week continuing at the Ranch, today's post will be breed specific to Abe.  You can read his introduction to the ranch (here) and about his puppy fav's (here).

Today I'm gonna write down for the ages what kind of dog Abe is suppose to be, and also is suppose to become, based on his mixed breed personality and looks.

A mutt.  Abe is a mutt, that's what kind of a dog he is.  Well that's if a mutt has a minimum mix of two breeds of dogs.

A Vizsla, pronounced Veesla, (don't pronounce the Zzz among full bred owners), is a Hungarian dog.  I'm not all into what dogs were bred for back in ancient times, my modern intention is that he is our pet and likes naps when I like napping.  So far so good on that.  But when he's not being a regular pet his natural instinct is to point and find game.  That is a trait he inherited from his English Setter mother as well as his Vizsla Pa.  Many of his fathers Vizsla qualities overlap with those of his English Setter mother.  Except looks.  Honest Abe gets his good looks and charm from his papa.  The two breeds don't look anything alike, with the Vizsla being the better looking of the two in my opinion.

Vizsla Mix Dog, Bliss-Ranch.com

I have to remind myself he is only half Vizsla, which means regarding his temperament and personality he is just as much English Setter.  It's easier to think of Abe as only a Vizsla like his dad, because he looks like one, or so it appears anyway.  But digging a little deeper I found out he has some differences from his full bred father and anyone who owns a pure Vizsla would probably look at Abe and know right away he is a Mock-Viz. 

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Honest Abe's Doggie Fav's

Even though around here we spend a great deal of time on home improvements, DIY and furniture makeovers, we also spend a lot of time with other peoples dogs as a pet sitting home, and now a new puppy of our own.

It's dog week here, but rest assured there are still some DIY projects that go along with new dog ownership, and I am not becoming a pet blog.   And lest you think I favor dogs, I also like cats, we just don't have one anymore, and I'm worried I could become the crazy dog lady.  But the truth is this little pooch has been occupying a lot of my time and the last three home projects all involved keeping the house and dog safe.

In the last post I told you how a new pup has claimed this place as his domain, what went in to the decision to get another dog after not having one for 1.5 years and how we were turned down for a rescue puppy because we have a doggie door that goes outside.  Today you'll find out his breed, and the products I am finding to be money well spent.

Abe's age is now 19 weeks, he's lived here for 10 and he's catching on to the rules very nicely.

And yes he is spoiled.

New Puppy Product Recommendations, Bliss-Ranch.com
 Abe on his outdoor Coolaroo Dog Bed

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Meet The New Dog On The Block

I don't normally dedicate a post to something other than DIY or projects, but it's dog week at Bliss Ranch and I've got a new right hand man.

Right around Mothers Day life around here got a little more energetic.

No I haven't signed up for a marathon, although I might argue that chasing a new puppy around should certainly qualify.

Honest Abe Bliss-Ranch.com

Meet Abe, the new dog in the yard. 

Some of you might recall that I sit other peoples dogs, and you also know that about a year and a half ago our 12 year old mascot Mo moved on as dogs do.  I said I'd give it some time to see if I wanted the responsibility of another dog living here full time.

Well I guess I do.

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Rusty Crusty Antique Milk Cans Refreshed

Around here sometimes yard junk goes to the woods to die.

You know, it's that out of sight out of mind thing.

And such is the case with some antique milk jugs I have had forever that were stashed behind the backyard garden shed where I didn't have to see their rusty crusty-ness.

I hauled them out with the intention of giving them a makeover, I just wasn't sure what sort of a makeover that would be, but it seemed a shame to leave antique milk cans rotting in the woods.

The cans were sporting spray paint in a salmon color with sun signs stenciled on in yellow, from I don't know... maybe 20 years ago.

I picked the cans up at a garage sale and I think they were used on the deck holding plants till they were decommissioned behind the shed to wait for their next makeover.

Antique Milk Can Old Sign Stencils Bliss-Ranch.com

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Fusion Mineral Paint Front Porch Update

Summer had seemed to be taking it's dear sweet time arriving in my neck of the woods, but I really didn't mind days with temperatures in the 70's.  Considering we received snow in April, those mild temps felt more like the spring we were cheated out of.

The cooler temps also meant that catching up on a few things on the to-do list would be more enjoyable not to be working in the blazing heat.

Now at the end of June our heat has arrived, and I'm glad I got the front door painted before it did.

Fusion Mineral Paint Front Door Refresh, Bliss-Ranch.com

One chilly day I looked at our brown front door and decided I either had to give it a good scrubbing to remove dirt, webs and bugs, or give it a good scrubbing to remove dirt, webs and bugs then paint it.

I opted for new paint as the end result of the scrubbing.

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June Thrifty Style Team, Rebar Barbed Wire & Junk

Fathers day is right around the corner and here to celebrate the men is the June edition of the Thrifty Style Team.

This month the team is counting on the males for something thrifty - be it dads, husbands, sons or brothers - and the "style" could be just about anything.  

It's gonna be Junk Style at the Ranch.

I'm not sure if the man of this house considered it celebrating his father-ness when he had to add something else to his to-do list, but he did it anyway because he's always a good sport, so he combined weekend tasks for the end product.

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Rubber Boot Door Wreath Easy Inexpensive

Back before the gnats and mosquitoes hatched, and before our Minnesota weather was stable enough that we could say Winter was actually over, I decided to whip up something to hang on the side door.

I wanted a little color since the trees were not yet in bloom and by the time April arrives, Winter usually has left us in a sea of brown till everything greens up.

I also didn't want to spend much money.

Bliss Ranch has a pin board with tons of beautiful door wreaths, centerpieces and porch deco's, and some day I might make one of the eye popping ones that make a person gasp before knocking, but this was not the day.

And tell me, does a wreath have to be round or is it simply something hung on a door?

When Daughter #1 found out I was looking for some little rubber boots, she gave me a pair of ripped black age two toddler rain boots that were heading to her trash.

Since I am completely out of tiny feet that wear little boots, this was the perfect example of one woman's trash is another woman's treasure.

Rubber Rain Mud Boot Door Wreath Bliss-Ranch.com

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Painted Stenciled Galvanized Buckets

It's that time of year when I purchase lush, thriving, spring flowers and plants, only to end up in a couple of months questioning my green thumb.

Painted Stenciled Galvanized Buckets, Bliss-Ranch.com

Sure some years I am able to keep flowers alive and looking good, but more times than not it isn't the case.  I have no rhyme or reason to how I betray plants after the promise of a healthy life, it's sort of hit or miss on the type and location of the ones that will pull through.

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May Thrifty Style Team Wood Box

May flowers have arrived and along with those blossoms the Thrifty Style Team bloggers are blooming too!
You just never know what the other ladies will be thrifting, or how they will redesign an item they already have, so make sure and check out the links at the bottom that point you in their direction.

Some months I might thrift something for my own house, and other months I might  re-thrift something that was thrifted to me, which means I re-thrift a thrifted item back to the thrift-or, essentially going from being a thrift-ee of a thrifty item to myself being a thrift-or.   Clear as mud?

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Route 66 Beer Tote Thrifty Style Team April

It's Thrifty Style Team for April, but I won't be writing about any April showers or May flowers, instead I'm gonna write about beer and one of those wood things that totes 'em.
Having a thrifty style, or thrifting items usually means hitting a garage sale or thrift store to find some treasure to use in a new way or upcycle into something interesting.

But when the occasion arises I like to give homemade gifts that are just as interesting made from junk I already have.  So I basically thrift from my thrifty stash, like old boards I found somewhere (usually on the garage floor).

I like to give homemade gifts, not to be cheap or easy - which I'll have you know I am neither of 😂😂😂😇😇😇 - but because I like to receive those types of things.  So to the people that matter to me I like giving a homemade gift that might be special to them someday, like when I'm cracking the cap on cold ones in the afterlife.  I do hope keeping my beer cold won't be a problem when that time comes.

A couple of years ago for Christmas, the jolly garage elf cobbled up six beer totes to gift to family and friends.  If you do a Pinterest search you can find all sorts of styles and ideas.

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Thrifty Style Team Snowy March Table

Welcome to the March Thrifty Style Team celebrating SPRING.

Except for me, I'm not celebrating it yet.


What month does Spring actually start?

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Ringing In The New Year With 2018 Favs

I realize every other blogger on the planet has already wished their readers Happy New Year.  Some did it smack dab at midnight on the eve of, some before the new year actually arrived, and then at that stroke of midnight they were all promptly ready to post Valentine's Day projects for 2019 because they are organized like that.

Well I'm not one of those.

I'll leave it for you to ponder if that is because I don't give a darn what everyone else does, fly by the seat of my pants, march to the beat of my own drummer, or that I'm only organized enough -but proud- to get my holiday decorating put away before July.

We're just about midway into the first month of 2019 and I don't think that's so far into the year that I can't still use a Happy New Year greeting.  I guess I could change it up for the occasion..... Happy Mid January?  Happy 2019 that started two weeks ago?

Whatever, 2019 has arrived and twentyeighteen is a thing of the past.

And speaking of the past, below are five 2018 fav's from last year.

The projects are nothing opulent, no exquisite decorating or room staging, which tells me that my readers want to see re-purposing, thrifty finds, and updates they can see themselves accomplishing.

If you want to take a gander at the before and afters, just click on the links.

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Vintage Table Top Desk, Thrifty Style Team November

Hello hello hello.....  The November Thrifty Style Team is here with frugal tips, projects, or makeovers.  To take a peek at them, all you've gotta do is click the project photos from the participating bloggers at the end.

Markers, colored pencils, crayons, stickers, you name it I've got it thrown in a drawer for when creativity strikes the short people around here who need something to keep themselves busy.

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From time to time there might be a written review of services or products on this blog for which Bliss Ranch may or may not have received that service or product for free. Receiving a product or service for free or at a discount will never dictate what is written on this blog or guarantee a favorable review. All opinions here belong to Bliss Ranch and Bliss Ranch alone. Bliss Ranch is not monetarily compensated to write anything on this blog... period! For the complete privacy policy please see the tab at the top of the blog.